Common Lisp was designed by a diverse group of people affiliated with many
Contributors to the design and implementation of Common Lisp and to the
polishing of this book are hereby gratefully acknowledged:
Paul AnagnostopoulosDigital Equipment Corporation
Dan Aronson Carnegie-Mellon University
Alan Bawden Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric Benson University of Utah, Stanford University, and Symbolics,
Jon Bentley Carnegie-Mellon University and Bell Laboratories
Jerry Boetje Digital Equipment Corporation
Gary Brooks Texas Instruments
Rodney A. Brooks Stanford University
Gary L. Brown Digital Equipment Corporation
Richard L. Bryan Symbolics, Incorporated
Glenn S. Burke Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Howard I. Cannon Symbolics, Incorporated
George J. Carrette Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert Cassels Symbolics, Incorporated
Monica Cellio Carnegie-Mellon University
David Dill Carnegie-Mellon University
Scott E. Fahlman Carnegie-Mellon University
Richard J. FatemanUniversity of California, Berkeley
Neal Feinberg Carnegie-Mellon University
Ron Fischer Rutgers University
John Foderaro University of California, Berkeley
Steve Ford Texas Instruments
Richard P. Gabriel Stanford University and Lawrence Livermore National
Joseph Ginder Carnegie-Mellon University and Perq Systems Corp.
Bernard S. GreenbergSymbolics, Incorporated
Richard Greenblatt Lisp Machines Incorporated (LMI)
Martin L. Griss University of Utah and Hewlett-Packard Incorporated
Steven Handerson Carnegie-Mellon University
Charles L. Hedrick Rutgers University
Gail Kaiser Carnegie-Mellon University
Earl A. Killian Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Steve Krueger Texas Instruments
John L. Kulp Symbolics, Incorporated
Jim Large Carnegie-Mellon University
Rob Maclachlan Carnegie-Mellon University
William Maddox Carnegie-Mellon University
Larry M. Masinter Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center
John McCarthy Stanford University
Michael E. McMahonSymbolics, Incorporated
Brian Milnes Carnegie-Mellon University
David A. Moon Symbolics, Incorporated
Beryl Morrison Digital Equipment Corporation
Don Morrison University of Utah
Dan Pierson Digital Equipment Corporation
Kent M. Pitman Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jonathan Rees Yale University
Walter van Roggen Digital Equipment Corporation
Susan Rosenbaum Texas Instruments
William L. Scherlis Carnegie-Mellon University
Lee Schumacher Carnegie-Mellon University
Richard M. StallmanMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Barbara K. Steele Carnegie-Mellon University
Guy L. Steele Jr. Carnegie-Mellon University and Tartan Laboratories
Peter Szolovits Massachusetts Institute of Technology
William vanMelle Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center
Ellen Waldrum Texas Instruments
Allan C. Wechsler Symbolics, Incorporated
Daniel L. Weinreb Symbolics, Incorporated
Jon L White Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center
Skef Wholey Carnegie-Mellon University
Richard Zippel Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Leonard Zubkoff Carnegie-Mellon University and Tartan Laboratories
Some contributions were relatively small; others involved enormous expenditures of
effort and great dedication. A few of the contributors served more as worthy
adversaries than as benefactors (and do not necessarily endorse the final design
reported here), but their pointed criticisms were just as important to the polishing
of Common Lisp as all the positively phrased suggestions. All of the people named
above were helpful in one way or another, and I am grateful for the interest and
spirit of cooperation that allowed most decisions to be made by consensus after
due discussion.
Considerable encouragement and moral support were also provided by:
Norma Abel Digital Equipment Corporation
Roger Bate Texas Instruments
Harvey Cragon Texas Instruments
Dennis Duncan Digital Equipment Corporation
Sam Fuller Digital Equipment Corporation
A. Nico Habermann Carnegie-Mellon University
Berthold K. P. Horn Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gene Kromer Texas Instruments
Gene Matthews Texas Instruments
Allan Newell Carnegie-Mellon University
Dana Scott Carnegie-Mellon University
Harry Tennant Texas Instruments
Patrick H. Winston Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lowell Wood Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
William A. Wulf Carnegie-Mellon University and Tartan Laboratories
I am very grateful to each of them.
Jan Zubkoff of Carnegie-Mellon University provided a great deal of
organization, secretarial support, and unfailing good cheer in the face of
The development of Common Lisp would most probably not have been
possible without the electronic message system provided by the ARPANET.
Design decisions were made on several hundred distinct points, for the most part
by consensus, and by simple majority vote when necessary. Except for two
one-day face-to-face meetings, all of the language design and discussion was done
through the ARPANET message system, which permitted effortless dissemination
of messages to dozens of people, and several interchanges per day. The message
system also provided automatic archiving of the entire discussion, which has
proved invaluable in the preparation of this reference manual. Over the course of
thirty months, approximately 3000 messages were sent (an average of three per
day), ranging in length from one line to twenty pages. Assuming 5000
characters per printed page of text, the entire discussion totaled about 1100
pages. It would have been substantially more difficult to have conducted
this discussion by any other means, and would have required much more
The ideas in Common Lisp have come from many sources and been polished
by much discussion. I am responsible for the form of this book, and for any errors
or inconsistencies that may remain; but the credit for the design and support of
Common Lisp lies with the individuals named above, each of whom has made
significant contributions.
The organization and content of this book were inspired in large part by the
MacLISP Reference Manual by David A. Moon and others [33], and by the LISP
Machine Manual (fourth edition) by Daniel Weinreb and David Moon
[55], which in turn acknowledges the efforts of Richard Stallman, Mike
McMahon, Alan Bawden, Glenn Burke, and “many people too numerous to
I thank Phyllis Keenan, Chase Duffy, Virginia Anderson, John Osborn, and
Jonathan Baker of Digital Press for their help in preparing this book for
publication. Jane Blake did an admirable job of copy-editing. James Gibson and
Katherine Downs of Waldman Graphics were most cooperative in typesetting this
book from my on-line manuscript files.
I am grateful to Carnegie-Mellon University and to Tartan Laboratories
Incorporated for supporting me in the writing of this book over the last three
Part of the work on this book was done in conjunction with the Carnegie-Mellon
University Spice Project, an effort to construct an advanced scientific
software development environment for personal computers. The Spice
Project is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
Department of Defense, ARPA Order 3597, monitored by the Air Force
Avionics Laboratory under contract F33615-78-C-1551. The views and
conclusions contained in this book are those of the author and should not
be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or
implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or the U.S.
Most of the writing of this book took place between midnight and 5 A.M. I am
grateful to Barbara, Julia, and Peter for putting up with it, and for their
Guy L. Steele Jr.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
March 1984