13.2 Predicates on Characters

The predicate characterp may be used to determine whether any Lisp object is a character object.

[Function] standard-char-p char

The argument char must be a character object. standard-char-p is true if the argument is a “standard character,” that is, an object of type standard-char.

Note that any character with a non-zero bits or font attribute is non-standard.

[Function] graphic-char-p char

The argument char must be a character object. graphic-char-p is true if the argument is a “graphic” (printing) character, and false if it is a “non-graphic” (formatting or control) character. Graphic characters have a standard textual representation as a single glyph, such as A or * or =. By convention, the space character is considered to be graphic. Of the standard characters all but #\Newline are graphic. The semi-standard characters #\Backspace, #\Tab, #\Rubout, #\Linefeed, #\Return, and #\Page are not graphic.

[Function] alpha-char-p char

The argument char must be a character object. alpha-char-p is true if the argument is an alphabetic character, and otherwise is false.

If a character is alphabetic, then it is perforce graphic. Therefore any character with a non-zero bits attribute cannot be alphabetic. Whether a character is alphabetic may depend on its font number.

Of the standard characters (as defined by standard-char-p), the letters A through Z and a through z are alphabetic.

[Function] upper-case-p char
[Function] lower-case-p char
[Function] both-case-p char

The argument char must be a character object.

upper-case-p is true if the argument is an uppercase character, and otherwise is false.

lower-case-p is true if the argument is a lowercase character, and otherwise is false.

both-case-p is true if the argument is an uppercase character and there is a corresponding lowercase character (which can be obtained using char-downcase), or if the argument is a lowercase character and there is a corresponding uppercase character (which can be obtained using char-upcase).

If a character is either uppercase or lowercase, it is necessarily alphabetic (and therefore is graphic, and therefore has a zero bits attribute). However, it is permissible in theory for an alphabetic character to be neither uppercase nor lowercase.

Of the standard characters (as defined by standard-char-p), the letters A through Z are uppercase and a through z are lowercase.

[Function] digit-char-p char &optional (radix 10)

The argument char must be a character object, and radix must be a non-negative integer. If char is not a digit of the radix specified by radix, then digit-char-p is false; otherwise it returns a non-negative integer that is the “weight” of char in that radix.

Digits are necessarily graphic characters.

Of the standard characters (as defined by standard-char-p), the characters 0 through 9, A through Z, and a through z are digits. The weights of 0 through 9 are the integers 0 through 9, and of A through Z (and also a through z) are 10 through 35. digit-char-p returns the weight for one of these digits if and only if its weight is strictly less than radix. Thus, for example, the digits for radix 16 are

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Here is an example of the use of digit-char-p:

(defun convert-string-to-integer (str &optional (radix 10))
  "Given a digit string and optional radix, return an integer."
  (do ((j 0 (+ j 1))
       (n 0 (+ (* n radix)
               (or (digit-char-p (char str j) radix)
                   (error "Bad radix-~D digit: ~C"
                          (char str j))))))
      ((= j (length str)) n)))

[Function] alphanumericp char

The argument char must be a character object. alphanumericp is true if char is either alphabetic or numeric. By definition,

(alphanumericp x)
    (or (alpha-char-p x) (not (null (digit-char-p x))))

Alphanumeric characters are therefore necessarily graphic (as defined by the predicate graphic-char-p).

Of the standard characters (as defined by standard-char-p), the characters 0 through 9, A through Z, and a through z are alphanumeric.

[Function] char= character &rest more-characters
[Function] char/= character &rest more-characters
[Function] char< character &rest more-characters
[Function] char> character &rest more-characters
[Function] char<= character &rest more-characters
[Function] char>= character &rest more-characters

The arguments must all be character objects. These functions compare the objects using the implementation-dependent total ordering on characters, in a manner analogous to numeric comparisons by = and related functions.

The total ordering on characters is guaranteed to have the following properties:

The total ordering is not necessarily the same as the total ordering on the integers produced by applying char-int to the characters (although it is a reasonable implementation technique to use that ordering).

While alphabetic characters of a given case must be properly ordered, they need not be contiguous; thus (char<= #\a x #\z) is not a valid way of determining whether or not x is a lowercase letter. That is why a separate lower-case-p predicate is provided.

(char= #\d #\d) is true.
(char/= #\d #\d) is false.
(char= #\d #\x) is false.
(char/= #\d #\x) is true.
(char= #\d #\D) is false.
(char/= #\d #\D) is true.
(char= #\d #\d #\d #\d) is true.
(char/= #\d #\d #\d #\d) is false.
(char= #\d #\d #\x #\d) is false.
(char/= #\d #\d #\x #\d) is false.
(char= #\d #\y #\x #\c) is false.
(char/= #\d #\y #\x #\c) is true.
(char= #\d #\c #\d) is false.
(char/= #\d #\c #\d) is false.
(char< #\d #\x) is true.
(char<= #\d #\x) is true.
(char< #\d #\d) is false.
(char<= #\d #\d) is true.
(char< #\a #\e #\y #\z) is true.
(char<= #\a #\e #\y #\z) is true.
(char< #\a #\e #\e #\y) is false.
(char<= #\a #\e #\e #\y) is true.
(char> #\e #\d) is true.
(char>= #\e #\d) is true.
(char> #\d #\c #\b #\a) is true.
(char>= #\d #\c #\b #\a) is true.
(char> #\d #\d #\c #\a) is false.
(char>= #\d #\d #\c #\a) is true.
(char> #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a) is false.
(char>= #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a) is false.
(char> #\z #\A) may be true or false.
(char> #\Z #\a) may be true or false.

There is no requirement that (eq c1 c2) be true merely because (char= c1 c2) is true. While eq may distinguish two character objects that char= does not, it is distinguishing them not as characters, but in some sense on the basis of a lower-level implementation characteristic. (Of course, if (eq c1 c2) is true, then one may expect (char= c1 c2) to be true.) However, eql and equal compare character objects in the same way that char= does.

[Function] char-equal character &rest more-characters
[Function] char-not-equal character &rest more-characters
[Function] char-lessp character &rest more-characters
[Function] char-greaterp character &rest more-characters
[Function] char-not-greaterp character &rest more-characters
[Function] char-not-lessp character &rest more-characters

For the standard characters, the ordering is such that A=a, B=b, and so on, up to Z=z, and furthermore either 9<A or Z<0. For example:

(char-equal #\A #\a) is true.
(char= #\A #\a) is false.
(char-equal #\A #\Control-A) is true.