Глава 26
Цикл loop

 26.1 Introduction
 26.2 Введение
 26.3 How the Loop Facility Works
 26.4 Как работает Loop
 26.5 Parsing Loop Clauses
 26.6 Парсинг выражений Loop
  26.6.1 Order of Execution
  26.6.2 Порядок вычисления
  26.6.3 Kinds of Loop Clauses
  26.6.4 Разновидности Loop выражений
  26.6.5 Loop Syntax
  26.6.6 Синтаксис Loop
 26.7 User Extensibility
 26.8 Пользовательские расширения
 26.9 Loop Constructs
 26.10 Конструкции Loop
 26.11 Iteration Control
 26.12 Управление итерациями
 26.13 End-Test Control
 26.14 Проверка завершения
 26.15 Value Accumulation
 26.16 Variable Initializations
 26.17 Инициализация переменных
 26.18 Conditional Execution
 26.19 Условное выполнение
 26.20 Unconditional Execution
 26.21 Безусловное выполнение
 26.22 Miscellaneous Features
 26.23 Дополнительные возможности
  26.23.1 Data Types
  26.23.2 Типы данных
  26.23.3 Destructuring

Author: Jon L White

Автор: Jon L White

preface:X3J13 voted in January 1989 to adopt an extended definition of the loop macro as a part of the forthcoming draft Common Lisp standard.

This chapter presents the bulk of the Common Lisp Loop Facility proposal, written by Jon L White. I have edited it only very lightly to conform to the overall style of this book and have inserted a small number of bracketed remarks, identified by the initials GLS. (See the Acknowledgments to this second edition for acknowledgments to others who contributed to the Loop Facility proposal.)

Guy L. Steele Jr.